The smart solution for E-Discovery


eDiscovery News



Indexed I/O Bikes to Work


Indexed I/O participated the ‘Bike to work’ day festivities.  It was a great Colorado day for all bikers who met up just south of downtown Denver to complete the final stretch as a team.


Picture includes Brian McHughs, Eric Fowler, and Dana White.

Ask us how you can get one of our awesome Indexed I/O ‘Bike’ shirts with the design shown below.


Indexed I/O Corp is a developer of high-speed, cost-effective Big Data analytics tools, poised to turn the eDiscovery world on its ear with the industry’s most advanced and comprehensive electronic discovery solution.

Founded on the principle there had to be a better way to design and offer an eDiscovery solution, Indexed I/O built a solution that would not only be scalable from a single file to petabytes (big data) size collections, but is fast , easy to use, and cost effective.

Austin Smith-Bartlett