Indexed I/O E-Discovery

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Electronic Evidence Support Company Increases Revenue with Indexed I/O

Safe Harbor Discovery, LLC provides consulting and electronic evidence support services to corporations, individuals and legal professionals through law firms, legal departments, and corporate counsel. It specializes in: intellectual property theft, criminal investigations, litigation hold, data collection & preservation, data mapping, meet and confer, managed review, and discovery production. Whether you are the subject of a litigation hold or you are collecting electronic evidence for review and/or production, Safe Harbor Discovery professionals can assist.

Safe Harbor Discovery’s Major Pain Points:

Problem: Delay in the time it takes to process. Other eDiscovery platforms require backend support.

Solution: Indexed I/O. It requires zero backend support and can all be processed by employees at Safe Harbor, at any time. Safe Harbor selected Indexed I/O for the ability to process and produce a collection without the need for vendor support.

Problem: Delay in production. Other eDiscovery platforms require backend support for data production and transmission.

Solution: Indexed I/O. It allows Safe Harbor to do their own production and saves them 1-2 days in time.

“The product (Indexed I/O) is well suited for processing email and documents for a quick review and production. I can have 10 custodian mailboxes processed, de-duped, and ready for review within a few hours using Indexed I/O at a fraction of the cost!”
—Steven S., Founder & Lead eDiscovery Investigator

How Indexed I/O helped Safe Harbor increase their revenue and/or growth:
Safe Harbor is able to take on smaller cases with Indexed I/O, allowing for more cases to be handled at a time. They have seen their price per GB go down to process, host, and produce data with Indexed I/O.

Additionally, the company is able to offer pro-bono processing to clients that are victims of domestic violence; These costs are often waived because they are so low, thanks to Indexed I/O.

Safe Harbor’s Advice to others considering Indexed I/O:
“The product (Indexed I/O) is well suited for processing email and documents for a quick review and production. I can have 10 custodian mailboxes processed, de-duped, and ready for review within a few hours using Indexed I/O at a fraction of the cost!”—Steven S., Founder & Lead eDiscovery Investigator

Designed with simplicity and efficiency in mind, Indexed I/O is the future of eDiscovery. Want to learn more about how Indexed I/O can help you and your firm? Our experts can walk you through a demo and even give you a free trial! To learn more, contact Indexed I/O at 1.888.840.0709 or Contact Us here.